Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Looking Forward

I have to get through today at work then I'm OFF for five days!

So here are my plans (not in order that they need to be completed):

  1. Complete a report for work Done
  2. Complete another report for work Done
  3. Finish threading the loom for Carla's Shawl
  4. Clean up the loom room (needs to be done before threading so I can get to the loom)
  5. Finish lace scarf for step-daughter before Boxing DayDone
  6. Spend Boxing Day at Mandy's
  7. Finish wrapping gifts Done
  8. Go to my mother's Christmas Eve Day and stay through dinner (will bring knitting with me) Done
  9. Spin remainder of shetland wool so I can get enough yarn to make something
  10. Spin more of the merino
  11. Flick more of the merino so I can spin it
  12. Vaccuum the house
  13. Clean my kitchen
  14. Play with Ken's new Wii (yes, I got it for him for Yule... he was pretty excited) Done
I think what I really need is two weeks off...

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