Sunday, May 06, 2007

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival 2007 Amazement

My son and I got up and on the road at 5 a.m. on Saturday. We arrived at the Festival just after 8:30 a.m.

I can only describe my feelings by 3 p.m. as "shell shocked." Happy, but exhausted, sore, and utterly amazed. We met up without a problem with my friend, Taryn, and her husband and little girl (they had come down from Pennsylvania the day before). The crowds were overwhelming to me.

I must emphasize, however, that these were the most polite, patient and delightful crowds of people I have ever been around. I don't think there was a rude person in the bunch. People said things like, "excuse me," "please," and "thank you."

There were lines everywhere for everything on Saturday morning -- long lines. But I didn't hear anyone complaining. I think most folks just decided to wait and come around again later if they didn't feel like waiting.

Here are some pictures of the crowds.

Here is a picture of the line to buy a tee-shirt or other memorabilia from the MS&W Festival 2007. I didn't stand in this line. It never seemed to get shorter -- not even on Sunday.

But on Saturday afternoon, the crowds thinned out a bit. On Sunday, Tayrn and I came back to see the beginning, middle and end of the Sheep to Shawl Contest and in between walked around all the vendors again. It was amazing how many vendors we discovered on Sunday simply because we couldn't see them for the crowds on Saturday.

The food was awesomely delicious, but very expensive.

Taryn and I had a wonderful time.

We dropped off logs from my pecan tree with the Bosworths. They are the nicest people and I got to try out a Journey Wheel. These are really neat. I think I will have to save up for one of these.

Here is a picture of my haul from the Festival (This picture if missing the two pieces of wonderfully aged sheep cheese). I'll introduce each purchase separately in weeks/months to come. Most of my fiber haul will be blended with my take of the alpaca fiber that I'm spinning for Heather.


Having a Knit Fitt said...

Hi Cate,
I don't have your email address & want to reply to your question about Yarn Church. Email me at vadogwoodATmacDOTcom.

Vouray said...

I'm so mad at myself for not going to the festival. Next year!

Leigh said...

Hi Cate, thank you for the encouraging compliment you left on my blog. I've been spending a little time reading yours and have really enjoyed your posts. Good information and good photos.