Sunday, April 19, 2009

Music to Spin and Knit by

This talented lady lives near me. I met her and purchased a CD at the Heathsville Farmer's Market on Saturday. You can find more information here.

To learn more about the Heathsville Farmer's Market look here. Or directly from the Tavern.

The Tavern Spinner's & Weaver's Guild met on the front porch of the Carriage House Saturday and while we were away from the main traffic of the Farmer's Market in the morning, we had the benefit of the Annual Wine Tasting event which started at 11 a.m. We met lots of neat people and hope some of them will come to join us in the future.

I brought my Inkle loom for the first time and did get some solid inquiries from from gentlemen with that. We do need to make an effort to enlist more menfolk as men can spin and weave just as well as women.

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

"Every beat of my harp." Thank you for the link--cool!