Friday, September 15, 2006

Candle spells

Well, I have been burning my green candle atop the folded job description for the position for which I applied last week. I got a notice in the mail yesterday that they have received my application.

The postcard notice is somehow a bit discouraging. But I hold out hope that someone might actually LOOK at the application and discover that even though I live in the middle of nowhere, in a county the State Government has apparently forgotten exists; that I may actually be qualified for something that pays a living wage.

Here's what the postcard says:

"Your application will be evaluated based on the qualifications required for this position. You will be contacted for an interview if you are among those whose background most closely matches these requirements. If you are not contacted for an interview, you are encouraged to apply for future advertised positions."

I guess my main concern is that I would like to be notified if I am NOT considered qualified as then I will know that a letter inviting me to an interview did not somehow get lost in the mail. You know, something either way with some kind of deadline or expected mailing date.

I still think I will be interviewed. I know I'm qualified. I think it will be a matter of HOW qualified I am compared with other folks who apply.

In any case, I'm also applying for another position. This one would involved a drive to Richmond (West side at that), but it pays very well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C - If you haven't heard anything in two weeks, find a phone number for them and call! If you can get to the hiring manager, you might be able to ask them if there is any other information about yourself that they might like to know, such as <...flll in some relevant experience tale...> a nice friendly way...good luck!